Jennifer Hanway

Ask Jenny: Which Blood Tests Should I Ask My Doctor For?

“I love that you say ‘test, don’t guess’ as I really believe it’s important to know your own numbers, but can you please advise which tests we should be undergoing on a yearly basis?” – Robin, Boston. 

Such a great question Robin, and as you know I am so passionate about empowering ourselves and our health by advocating for our own health in the conventional medicine space – and a big part of that is knowing our numbers!

As part of my Private Coaching Packages I advise on testing for my clients, and whilst each client’s testing recommendations (and subsequent nutrition, supplementation and fitness programs) are individualized to their health history, family history and current health challenges and goals, below is a list of tests that I find helpful when working with every client:

If you would like me to advise on the specific tests you should be asking your doctor for please complete the application form found on this page and I will be in touch!