Jennifer Hanway

Ask Jenny: How Do I Tell If I Have Poor Gut Health?

“Hi Jenny, I’m wondering if the symptoms I have experiencing are due to my gut health: I get some gas and bloating when eating certain foods, feel like I can’t think clearly sometimes, and have some breakouts on my forehead that won’t clear. Are they related to each other, and to gut health? – A, Dubai”


I’m going to say yes, and yes! Poor gut health has a myriad of symptoms that can sometimes feel unconnected, but all of the issues you mentioned can be related back to poor gut health.

When we talk about an ‘unhealthy gut’ we are really talking about the whole of the GI tract, mainly focussing on the small and large intestines. It is unhealthy when one or more of the following conditions occur:

The range of symptoms that can be attributed to poor gut health are numerous and varied, but the most common include: gas, bloating, stomach cramps, constipation, diarrhea, brain fog, fatigue, weight gain or weight loss, acne, eczema, rosacea, thinning hair, weak nails, irregular periods and food cravings.

These symptoms can also be indicative of thyroid and/or hormonal imbalances, but as poor gut health can often be a cause/ contributor of these imbalances I am always recommend a protocol that heals the the gut first before moving on to other treatments.

My 28 Day Guided Gut Healing Program is designed for those experiencing these symptoms, or for those who want to reboot their health from its foundation. This program is now available to start anytime.