Jennifer Hanway

Ask Jenny: What are the Benefits of Magnesium Supplements?

In one of my most recent interviews, I spoke to WhoWhatWear Magazine about the benefits of taking magnesium supplements. 


Can you start by telling us a little more about magnesium

Magnesium is involved in over 300 metabolic processes in the body, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, and blood sugar regulation. It is also essential for healthy stress management, quality of sleep, gut health and even keeping carb cravings under control. 

According to data from the National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) typically 48% of Americans do not get the recommended amount of magnesium in their diets, but when magnesium supplements were added, average total intakes of magnesium hit the recommended daily amount. ⠀


Are there any side effects to taking magnesium supplements? 

When taken in large doses magnesium can cause gastrointestinal distress, and those taking medications or suffering from any health condition should check with their doctor before taking a magnesium supplement in case of contraindications.


How do magnesium supplements work in the body?

Taking a magnesium supplement can help to address any deficiencies in the body, which can stem from a diet that is low in this essential mineral, lifestyle factors (such as prolonged stress),  or a chronic health condition. Once broken down and digested they are absorbed into the bloodstream to be taken up by the cells of the body in which they are used as cofactors for enzymatic reactions.


Why would you need to take magnesium supplements?

There are many reasons why someone may need to take a magnesium supplement, including having a diet that is deficient in this mineral (great food sources include nuts and seeds, leafy greens, and dark chocolate). At times of stress or the body uses more magnesium, so it may be useful to take a supplement during these periods. 

Low levels of magnesium have been linked to chronic conditions such as CVD, Type 2 Diabetes, and Alzheimer’s Disease. 

Supplementing with magnesium can also help a number of health conditions including anxiety and depression, poor digestive health, migraines, and low energy. It is also vital for the absorption of other minerals in the body, such as calcium and zinc.


Can you explain the different types of magnesium supplements and what they are useful for?

As magnesium comes in many forms, there are many different supplements available that have different properties, and different levels of absorption. In addition to this different types of magnesium may be compounded with other minerals or herbs/adaptogens to optimize their benefits in the body. Typically you might see magnesium compounded with calcium and zinc as these minerals work synergistically in the body. In the case of New Chapter’s Magnesium + Ashwagandha, an easily absorbable form of magnesium (magnesium bis-glycinate) is compounded with organic ashwagandha to help maximize the minerals stress-relieving benefits. 


When is the best time to take magnesium supplements? 

Unless it’s a specific supplement to help aid sleep which should be taken in the evening (such as one containing Magnesium glycinate) magnesium supplements can be taken during the day. 


Want to know more about supplements for beauty? You’ll love this blog post!