Jennifer Hanway

The Best Supplements for Menopause

This post is written in partnership with New Chapter, Vermont-based maker of whole-food vitamins and supplements, however, all opinions are my own. I only work with and recommend companies whose products I love, and I’m so excited to share these with you! 

There are three key hormonal shifts in a woman’s life: puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. 

Perimenopause symptoms can start as early as 30, and most women experience menopause between the ages of 40 and 58 (in the US the average age is 51). It’s important to do everything we can to prepare our body for this stage in our hormonal journey and to support the process as we transition to post menopause. 

Supplements for Menopause: Why They’re Important

The majority of my Private Coaching clients are in their 30’s to late 50’s. I encourage them to prioritize their hormone balance as much as possible before menopause. I also help guide them through the menopause journey by minimizing the associated symptoms, such as hot flashes and weight gain. And I teach them how to support the changes in their body, as risk factors for osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease increase post menopause due to lowering estrogen levels. 

One of my key tools for helping women thrive through menopause are New Chapter supplements. I love that they target their formulations for these aspects of women’s health. Plus, many options are available for menopause-related health concerns and health goals. 

The Best Multivitamin For Menopause

New Chapter’s Every Woman’s One Daily Multivitamins have been a staple in my personal supplement regime, and that of my clients, for years. I can be confident knowing that not only does this product deliver the daily vitamins and minerals needed for optimum health, but it’s also targeted for specific health needs in one convenient tablet. 

Every Woman’s One Daily Multivitamin 55+ contains Chaste Tree for hormone balance and support. Chaste Tree can act as an ‘estrogen adaptogen’ in the body, and in menopausal women it can bind to estrogen receptors and exert an estrogen enhancing effect (1). 

This multivitamin also contains Vitamin D3 and K2, essential nutrients for protecting bone density in menopausal and perimenopausal women. Both Vitamin D3 and K2 are essential for bone health independently, and as cofactors for the absorption and utilization of calcium and magnesium. 

Bone density decreases after the age of 30 and lower estrogen levels increase the risk of developing osteopenia and osteoporosis post menopause. That’s why it’s important for women to increase levels of these nutrients in the diet and to include a daily supplement (2). 

Supplements For Bone Support

If you need additional bone support, then you can add New Chapter’s Bone Strength Take Care to your daily supplement routine. This supplement is made with clinical-strength organic plant calcium and formulated with Vitamin D3 and K2 for more efficient calcium absorption. 

Consider Adding Magnesium and Ashwagandha, Too

Magnesium is an essential mineral needed for over 300 metabolic processes in the body. I recommend that all my clients (especially those in perimenopause, menopause, and post menopause) increase their magnesium intake. 

Not only does magnesium support bone health but it also benefits heart health and cardiovascular health, as it mitigates the effects of oxidative stress on the endothelial lining of artery walls (3). New Chapter’s Magnesium + Ashwagandha supplement uses Magnesium glycinate, which increases potential absorption at the gut level (4).

It also contains Ashwagandha. This science-backed adaptogen can support adrenal health and help the body manage and mitigate the negative effects of everyday stress. 

Supplements that Can Help with Hot Flashes During Menopause

Managing a healthy inflammatory response is key to overall health and preventing chronic disease. But it can also help manage the duration and intensity of menopausal hot flashes. 

Women with higher levels of inflammatory cytokines have been shown to experience more severe hot flashes, so taking steps to lower inflammation can be an incredibly effective strategy to lessen this common menopause symptom (5). 

My two favourite supplements for managing inflammation are New Chapter’s Zyflamend (a powerful blend of 10 revered herbs), and Wholemega, a high quality extra virgin Wild Alaskan salmon oil. 

Zyflamend is a blend of 10 synergistic herbs that help manage chronic inflammation and balance a healthy inflammation response at the cellular level. Zyflamend actually mitigates part of the signaling process that triggers the body’s inflammatory response. So it can help prevent the damaging inflammatory cascade of chronic inflammation before it even starts. 

Wholemega is a high quality fish oil made from 100% Wild Alaskan salmon. It can be helpful in managing the inflammatory response, and it may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. 

Heart disease risk for women increases post menopause due to lowering estrogen levels (estrogen has heart health protective benefits). Increasing omega 3 levels helps to improve clinically studied heart health markers, such as triglycerides and HDL levels. 

Natural Remedies for Menopause Symptoms: Estrotone

When it comes to the best supplements for menopause, New Chapter’s Estrotone is another one I often recommend. It contains a blend of whole-herb extracts that support healthy aging and hormone balance without the use of exogenous estrogen. 

Black Cohosh can minimize night sweats and hot flashes. Antioxidant-rich ginger and rosemary help to reduce free radical damage, inflammation and cellular degradation. 

Estrotone is my go-to hormone support supplement for women of all ages. Its formulation helps support throughout pre and post menopause. 

You can find all of the New Chapter products mentioned here in your local health food store, Whole Foods, CVS, on Amazon, or at

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


  4. Guilliams, T. G., 2020. Supplementing Dietary Nutrients. Stevens Point: Point Institute


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