Jennifer Hanway

Gut Healing: Caring For Your Digestion At the Holidays


This post is written in partnership with New Chapter, however all opinions are my own. I only work with and recommend companies whose products I love, and I’m so excited to share these with you!

As an honorary American I love Thanksgiving and the chance it gives me to spend time with my friends and family, and to let my hair down and enjoy some gluten free, dairy free treats (my mother in law is an amazing cook and so kindly adapts our Thanksgiving menu to accommodate my dietary needs), some much needed couch time, and some delicious wine and cocktails.

However, I used to dread family affairs such as these, as I knew the extra food, sugar, travel and change of routine would cause havoc for my digestive system, and leave me bloated and in pain for a couple of days. But by implementing the strategies below it has been years since I have suffered GI distress like that, and I am so happy to share these tips with you so you too can stay your lightest, brightest self whilst still enjoying all of the fun the holidays have to offer:

Smart Hydration: whilst we should all increase our water intake when consuming foods with sugar, or whilst drinking alcohol, cold water can actually hamper our digestion, and cause cramping. In Ayurveda the strength of our digestion or our ‘Agni’ (digestive fire) is dampened by cold liquids. I never add ice to my drinks (even in the summer), and ensure my drinking water is at least room temperature (or warmer) throughout the winter. I also love to add one serving New Chapter’s Fermented Aloe Booster Powder to my water as it helps boosts our natural detoxification process and is soothing and calming for the digestive system*.

Boost Your Fibre: my favourite sources of fibre are seasonal veggies, as they contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, essential for efficient elimination and for keeping your microbiome healthy. At the holidays to switch out one of my meals for a warming and nourishing veggie packed soup, and love to include seasonal produce such as squash, kale and celeriac.

Move Your Body: digestion is both a chemical and mechanical progress, and it’s so easy to neglect the second part as usually we just want to snuggle on the couch after a holiday meal! Start a new tradition by heading out for a walk after the main meal – this will aid digestion and promote a healthy insulin response, and means that you get to maximize family time and connection. You can always take a nap on the couch afterwards!

Eat a Probiotic Rich, Digestion Soothing Breakfast: starting the day with a breakfast that is rich in protein, fibre and probiotics helps set you up for digestive success throughout the day, and ensures your insulin and hunger hormone levels stay steady, keeping your light and energized for some family fun! I love this Fall version of my Gut Healing Bircher Muesli from my 28 Day Guided Gut Healing Program, and I’ve also added New Chapter’s Fermented Aloe Booster Powder to help soothe and calm*.

Gut Healing Bircher Muesli⠀

Mix all ingredients well and top with coconut, apple or chopped nuts. ⠀

New Chapter’s Fermented Aloe Booster Powder is USDA Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified, 100% Vegan and Certified Gluten Free. The fermentation process helps to unlock the nutrients to make them easily digestible, more vital and available, and able to nourish at a cellular level. I keep mine on my counter top so I can add easily and quickly to smoothies, yoghurts and both hot and cold beverages, and you can purchase them from Whole Foods, Amazon, or by using the link below: