Jennifer Hanway

Do You Pick and Choose Your Healthy?


Admission: I do. 

Well, I did until the beginning of this year. I’ll happy eat super clean 99% of the time, workout 5-7 days of the week, get great sleep, meditate, drink green juice and take all of my supplements. 

After years of living this way, and working hard to improve my health and the health of my clients all of these things come pretty easily to me, and I love living this way and the way it makes me feel. 

But 2016 has seen me cleaning out the basement of my health, so to speak. This year Husband Hanway and I finally found a Primary Care doctor we love (at The Marino Centre for Intergrated Health in Cambridge, MA), and I undertook my Annual Physical, and a long overdue OBGYN visit. 

I’m blessed that everything came back as normal, and all my bloodwork came back within what I call the ‘thriving’, not just ‘survivng’  ranges (as part of my work as a Bio Signature Practitioner I can read and decipher bloodwork, but its always nerve-wracking when its your own). 

A routine eye exam came back with slightly awkwardly shaped optical nerve (who knew this was a thing), and as I have a family history of diabetes and glaucoma, I had to go back for a further test. Again, I’m so grateful this came back negative for glaucoma, but had it not it would have been detected early enough to take positive action. 

I always recommend my clients to take care of all of the annual/bi annual routine screenings: bloodwork, OBGYN, eye exams, dental exams, etc. By being proactive you open up a much wider range of options for treatments if needed, and when you find the right healthcare team you will be pleasantly surprised that not all conventional medical practioners are against a holistic viewpoint, and some of them even promote it (my PCP recommends Aryuvedic herbs and meditation to help improve my gut health – how awesome is that)! 

Talking of dental, as some of you may know I will be undergoing some major dental surgery in November. I have 4 wisdom teeth that need to come out, and two teeth that have root canals that need to be removed completely (the holistic health point of view is that root canal teeth should be removed for health). I’m working with an amazing Biological Dentist at Groton Wellness. I’ll be unable to eat solid foods for a couple of days, definitely not able to workout for a few days either, and will be dribbling and have gauzes in my mouth. Definitely not a good look! 

But its my health, and if I am serious about achieving optimum health and longevity for both myself and my clients, I have to do the unsexy stuff. The boring, uncomfortable and very occasionally painful stuff. Whilst drinking a green juice, obvs ; ) 

Where do you pick and choose your healthy? Do you religiously run every 30 minutes, but can’t give up that one a day Diet Coke with lunch? Are you the model of health and fitness during the week, but have a weakness for beer and pizza at the weekends? Or is managing your stress your downfall, and sitting down to meditate sounds like torture?

Perhaps you are like me, and are great with the small stuff, but neglect the big stuff due to fear and apprehension?

Comment below and I’ll give you suggestions on how to change your wellness challenges into your wellness strengths.