Jennifer Hanway

Self Care Sunday: Dry Skin Brushing for Detoxification


Its been a long time since I had a Self Care Sunday, so I’m making the most of this one! I’m putting myself through my own 14 Day Detox, so my self-care practices today are designed to naturally support detoxification.

Dry Skin Brushing is one of the easiest and most accessible rituals you can complete on a daily basis and supports detoxification in 2 ways:

How to Brush

Turn your shower on before you start – the heat will  open the pores whilst you are brushing.

Take your brush and use long sweeping strokes up towards the heart. Smaller circular motions can be used around the butt and thighs, and use larger clockwise circles around the stomach which will aid  digestion and gut health.

Be sure to brush your armpits as there are a collection of lymph glands here.

Be very gentle on the delicate skin on the chest.

After brushing, jump into a hot shower, then switch between hot and cold for a few minutes, which will again stimulate circulation and the lymphatic system, energize you, and give you an amazing glow.

Post-shower, dry off gently, apply a topical magnesium to the back of your knees and inner elbows, then massage in a toxin-free body lotion or body oil to the rest of your body.