Jennifer Hanway

Weekend Wellness Round Up 11/14 – Focus on the Well Summit 2015

Put the kettle on for turmeric tea and curl up in your cosy chair because its time for this week’s Weekend Wellness Round Up!

Every Saturday I will be posting links to five of my favorite blog posts of the week in the fields of nutrition, health, fitness, wellness, green beauty and self care to help you learn even more about these topics, and to introduce you to voices in the wellness sphere you may not have heard of. This week the blog posts come from some of my favorite speakers from the wonderful Well Summit that took place in Boston last weekend…

My first breakout session was with the gorgeous Ksenia Avdulova from Breakfast Criminals on integrity and success for social media, a subject she is well placed to advise on. Ksenia first launched into the wellness space by posting photos and recipes of her delicious Acai based breakfasts in a super cute heart shaped bowl on social media with the message of starting each day with a little bit of love. Fast forward to now and she now has over 54,000 followers on Instagram, a wildly successful blog and Amazon even carries those super cute bowls (one of which is definitely on my Christmas list)!

My attempts to make bone broth in the past have not always been the most successful (sorry Husband Hanway), so I signed up for chef Ariane Resnick’s Bone Broth for Wellness: Tools for Eating Your Way to your Happiest Self session. Ariane really walks her talk, having healed herself from both Lyme Disease and chemical poisoning through holistic nutrition. As my bone broth does not even hold a candle to hers (we sampled her avocado and bone broth soup at the talk – it was unbelievably good) here is a link to one of her easy to follow recipes.

My second day at the Well Summit started with a morning of green beauty, a topic that I am becoming more and more interested in as I research and learn more about the nasty chemicals in our big brand products. I am usually pretty careful about checking the ingredients in my beauty and self care products, but the Healthy Beauty panel consisting of celebrity make up artist Kristen Arnett from Green Beauty Team, Tara Foley from Follain and Kathryn Rogers, a research scientist at Silent Springs Institute had me rushing home to throw out numerous products that had slipped through the net. One of the questions asked at the panel was ‘can you achieve the same effects with organic products?‘ and the answer was a resounding yes. In the following post Kristen shows us how to create a night time look with natural make up, perfect for those upcoming holiday parties.

Tara Foley was also a part of the mornings panel, and I followed that session with a field trip to her store Follain in Beacon Hill. It was fascinating to learn the history behind the green beauty movement, and inspiring to hear her commitment to her cause, how highly she uphold her standards in the products she represents, and her determination in business (also the store is beautifully designed and the products so carefully curated). Below is Tara’s list of restricted ingredients, none of which you will find in any of the brands Follain represents.

My Saturday afternoon took a different focus as I rescheduled my choices to join Josh Rosebrook at his Front and Centered: Using Mediation to Live in Abundance session. Josh and I had sat together at the wonderful farm to table dinner the previous evening and I loved his energy and humor (and the fact that he agreed with me that there is also room for coffee and red wine in a healthy diet)! As I am just dipping my toe back into a meditation practice this was the perfect opportunity to learn more from someone who had been meditating for many years, and a much needed break from the buzzing energy of the weekend. Josh’s ‘day job’ is as a creator of organic hair and beauty products, and the link below combines information on both of his passions.

If these articles have sparked your interest and you would like to learn more about nutrition, fitness, wellness, healthy lifestyle, green beauty and self care I would love for you to join me at my series of Wellness Talks in Boston. For more details and to book tickets click on the link below!