Jennifer Hanway

Weekend Wellness Round Up – Fun With Vegetables!


This week’s Weekend Wellness Round up comes to you courtesy of all the amazing fall/autumn vegetables in season right now.
This time of year is my absolute favorite for produce as the colorful, hearty and delicious seasonal stock always encourages me to up my veggie quota. I’m implementing more and more ayurvedic practices into my daily life, and eating seasonal produce is one that I am loving.

Something that has made a huge change in the variety and amount of vegetables we eat here at Hanway Towers is getting a weekly delivery from the amazing Boston Organics. I love the quality and selection they provide, with every box we discover some new foods that we have never tried! You can use my coupon code: 10906bogbj to receive a 10% discount at checkout.

I usually roast or steam my veggies for ease, so I’ve been trying to find more interesting ways of getting their goodness in. Below are some fantastic recipes from my ‘go-to’ web resources that will help you see this seasonal produce in a whole new light!

Because Kale chips are so 2015…

Because I love soup in the winter, and eating more soft, warming foods at this time of year is great for my digestive system according to ayurveda…

Because sweet potatoes are one of my winter favorites, and so nutrient dense (and there aren’t enough great curry recipes in the US)…

Because cabbage is full of phytonutrients and anti-estrogenomic compounds (and its so pretty)…

Because, umm, brownies (I made these for the BFX Holiday party and they went down a storm)…

I hope you enjoy these recipes as much as I do, and I would love your feedback if you try them!
