Jennifer Hanway

Happy Hump Day!

I’m delighted to invite my partner in crime, Cassie Brown, to the blog for the first time! Cassie is a kick ass trainer based in the Boston area, and her and I are about to launch a series of events and retreats in 2016!
Below is one of Cassie’s ‘go-to’ moves for a great booty – try incorporating it into your next workout!

Step ups are a great way to build a firm, round booty. I’ve shared a few step up variations as my Hump Day Booty Moves in the past, which you can check out at But the deal with exercising is this: activating the muscles you’re focused on targeting is just as important as the exercises you choose to work that target area.

This flow activates your glutes (booty) and hamstrings (back of thigh), so that you’re super stable while balancing on 1 leg. Warming up with movements like this also helps your body engage as many muscle fibers as possible during your workout for an increase in calorie burn and optimal results!

Perform this flow 2-4x through on one side, then switch to the other leg without resting. Do this for 2-4 sets to feel a burn in your glutes and core.

Share when you incorporate this flow into your workout on Instagram and Twitter @cassiebstrong #BStrong!

If you are looking for more ways to get into shape this holiday season join me next Tuesday at 6.30pm in Boston for the second of my Wellness Talks: Healthy Holidays: How to Stay Slim over the Festive Season.

We will spend an hour discussing easy to implement nutrition, training, lifestyle and supplement strategies to help you looking and feeling your best this festive season, then will take a field trip over to Athleta Newbury Street to join Cassie B for a super fun HIIT (optional).

To book please click on the link below: