Jennifer Hanway

Eat Beautiful: Quinoa ‘Oatmeal’ with Blueberry Apple Tahini Compote


Whilst I don’t recommend oatmeal for breakfast due to its high carb content (save for post training or in the evenings), at this time of year I do crave a warm, creamy hot breakfast sometimes, and it can be so beneficial to your digestive system (and morale) on cold mornings.

Quinoa ‘oatmeal’ is a great alternative as it is much lighter and higher in energizing and hunger hormone stabilizing plant based protein. Cooking it with a great quality plant can take it to the next level by adding creaminess and my current faves are Boston based Nectar and Green and Elmhurst Unsweetened Nut Milks.

The Blueberry Apple Tahini Compote adds a burst of micronutrient rich sweetness, and the color of this compote (from the antioxidant dense blueberries) is beautiful! Tahini is one of my most favorite ingredients to add richness to sauces, baking and smoothies, and is super high in calcium, minerals, fiber, plant protein and cholesterol lowering phytosterols. Both parts of this dish can be made in advance and kept in the refrigerator for up to 5 days for breakfast on the go!

Quinoa Oatmeal with Blueberry Apple Tahini Compote

For the ‘oatmeal’

Place the quinoa and milk in a large pan, bring to the boil then simmer until the quinoa is soft and the ‘tails’ unfurled. Stir in the flaxseed and vanilla essence

For the compote

Place all ingredients in a large pan, bring to the boil then simmer until the apple is soft.

Combine together in a bowl and enjoy!

We buy all our pantry staples including the quinoa, flaxseed, tahini and vanilla essence used in this recipe from Thrive Market. To save 25% off your first order and receive free shipping use my here :