Jennifer Hanway

So Called Healthy Foods That Might be Derailing Your Diet

I’ve just started working with a number of new private coaching clients and as part of their onboarding process I take a look at their food diaries to ascertain areas of improvement. I’m super lucky as most of my clients come to me with some knowledge of healthy eating, but sometimes I spot foods that they think might be healthy but actually are derailing their diet goals.

These typically include…

1) Coconut Water

Coconut water is often touted for its hydration benefits, but it’s also relatively high in natural sugars which can be a point of consideration for those monitoring their sugar intake. Yes, the sugar in coconut water is ‘natural’ but there is no fibre to slow down the uptake into your blood which can result in a blood sugar spike. And if you are having it to fuel or replenish either pre or post workout it might be time to rethink your choice – coconut water contains both fructose and glucose and whilst glucose does provide fuel for your muscles, fructose is metabolised mainly in the liver. A clean electrolyte powder is a better option if you are looking to boost hydration without spiking your blood sugar.

2) Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is not inherently bad for you, it’s more that too much and for the wrong purpose could be a factor in your diet goals. For example, 1 tablespoon in your Breakfast Smoothie as your healthy fat is perfect, but an additional couple of tablespoons as an afternoon treat or dessert is going to add up. For a healthy metabolism and optimal body composition (lean muscle mass to body fat ratio) we want to aim for around 30% of our diet coming from healthy fats. And, if you are using peanut butter as a source of protein in your diet think again – PB has twice as much fat as protein in one tablespoon so should be counted as a fat, not a protein in your diet.

3) Plant Based Protein Powders

If you are not vegan, then you shouldn’t be using a plant based protein powder. Animal based protein powders such as whey or beef are easier to digest and absorb, more efficiently used by the body to make new lean muscle tissue and are not pro-inflammatory. Plant based proteins do not contain all nine essential aminos acids that are needed for lean muscle mass and can often be pro-inflammatory and higher in heavy metals. My go-to protein powder is Equip’s Grass Fed Beef Protein, a goats whey if you are vegetarian and if you are vegan chocho protein powder is your best option (I recommend adding an amino acid supplement to your diet also).

4) Dried Fruit

When fruit is dried, the water content is removed, resulting in a much smaller, more concentrated form of the fruit and a significant spike in your blood sugar. This concentration means that dried fruit contains a higher amount of sugar by volume than its fresh counterpart. For example, a cup of fresh grapes will have less sugar and fewer calories than a cup of raisins, even though they are essentially the same fruit in different forms. Additionally, the dehydration process often makes dried fruit more palatable and easier to consume in larger quantities, leading individuals to ingest more sugar in one sitting than they might with fresh fruit. Moreover, the glycemic index (GI) — a measure of how quickly foods raise blood sugar levels — tends to be higher for dried fruits compared to fresh fruits. The removal of water from fruit not only concentrates it’s sugars but can also reduce its fibre content. Fibre is essential for slowing down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, and with less fibre, the sugars in dried fruit can cause a quicker and higher spike in blood sugar.

5) MCT Oil

The keto diet movement and Bulletproof coffee has a lot to answer for, and if you are still putting MCT oil in your coffee now is the time to stop! Namely, it’s going to add extra fat calories to your diet without providing a lot of extra nutrients and we always want to think ‘nutrient density’ or band for your buck when we are choosing which foods to eat. Additionally, MCT oil can trigger GI distress in a lot of people, may raise your LDL levels and can be unnecessarily taxing on the liver. Avocados, nuts and seed and EVOO are all better choices when including healthy fats in your diet.

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