Jennifer Hanway

Friday Five: Ways to Stay Healthy When Flying


As you are reading this I’m on a plane to London to visit friends and family, and to catch up with some clients and take some exciting meetings! I have a ton of travel coming up in the next 2 months, and whilst I absolutely love the opportunities, and experiencing new places I have to work hard to mitigate the negative health effects.

Here are my top 5 healthy hacks to for flying to ensure you arrive vibrant, energized and ready to enjoy your destination when you jump off the plane:

1) Don’t eat the plane food! Well, I pick and chose the bits that I want to eat, but I usually pick up a salad with protein and fat before boarding to keep my blood sugar levels steady, prevent my hunger hormones from spiralling out of control and ensure I am getting a boost of antioxidants and phytochemicals that help offset the oxidizing effects of fight.

2) Pack easy to carry protein, fat and fibre snacks in your hand luggage – great choices include Epic Bars,  Bulletproof Collagen Bars, Primal Kitchen Bars and Artisana nut and coconut butter sachets. I snag all of these and more from Thrive Market.

3) A shaker bottle, plant-based protein sachet and a sachet of collagen powder can be a lifesaver if your travel plans get delayed – just add water for a 20-30g healthy protein boost if there are no other good options, or you eat a lower carb plant-based diet. This is so simple to do – I’ve even been known to make a protein shake whilst the plane is taking off!

5) Move around – a lot. I always choose an aisle seat so I can walk around and stretch (I gave up caring what the other passengers thought a long time ago) at least once an hour. I always make sure I move around after eating too, as your digestive system needs movement to function properly. When I don’t move around after eating I suffer from bloating, cramps and gas – no fun for me or the person sitting next to me!

5) Carry a filter water bottle. This means you can filter your water on the go, whilst waiting at the airport and on the plane. Staying hydrated is key to staying energized whilst travelling and you want to aim for at least 8oz of water per hour on a flight. My fave is made by Brita, and I never leave home without it.