Jennifer Hanway

2016: Your Healthiest, Happiest Year Yet!


I love goals. I love fresh starts and new challenges. I love the beginning of a New Year! I’m seeing a lot of negativity on social media around New Year’s Resolutions, and it makes me sad. Of course I am of the opinion that healthy habits should be sustained year round, but what is the harm in wanting to improve your life and become a better version of you? In my opinion that should be celebrated, whether the catalyst for you is the start of a new day, new week or new year.

I’ve always been a big fan of goal setting, and when I moved to the US nearly 3 years ago it was a perfect fresh start for me to take my career to the next level. And I had time, plenty of time. It took six months from my arrival to being granted my Green Card, so I had plenty of time for goal setting and planning!

I wrote huge lists, and guided by Jack Canfield’s book ‘The Principles of Success’, gave my goals clarity, detail and a completion date. And then sat back and felt completely unmoved.

Don’t get me wrong, my goals were pretty awesome: write for a fitness magazines, work for the top studios in the area, build an online business, keep a client base in the UK, look great in a crop top, all exciting and certainly achievable. But it felt like a ‘to-do’ list, endless chores rather than a guide to building an exciting and valuable life.

Enter Danielle LaPorte. I had first heard of Danielle’s work via Brene Brown, via a goal setting workshop I had been a part of with the UK Lululemon team. I downloaded Danielle’s book ‘The Desire Map’ via Audible, and got to listening. And it changed everything.

‘The Desire Map’ turns goal setting on its head: it switches the focus from what you want to achieve to ‘how do you want to feel’, and it that though process is the game changer. 

As part of the process you are asked to define your ‘core desired feelings’, two of mine were ‘authentic’ and ‘of service’. Defining these helped me to pinpoint my goals with more depth of feeling, the goal of writing for magazines was really my wanting to reach a wider audience to help more people improve their health and wellbeing, working for the top boutique fitness studios in the area was my desire to continue to learn and hone my craft. And the crop top? That turned out to be my wanting to ‘live authentic’, to live and breathe my message, in other words, to ‘practice what I preach’.

Danielle LaPorte’s work is still part of my goal setting practice, whether setting goals for myself, or when working with my clients to help them define what health and wellness means for them. If rocking 2016 is on your agenda I highly recommend checking out Danielle’s work to create what she calls ‘Goals with Soul’! 


If you would like to work with me on a one to one basis to set your healthy goals for 2016 I’d love for you to join me via Pop Expert for my : Real World Wellness Workshop: Setting Healthy Goals for 2016. 

This one to one workshop is perfect for anyone looking to improve their health and wellness in 2016, whether you are taking your first steps on the journey, or are looking for the next level in becoming your healthiest, happiest you.

During the 50 minute session we will cover the following:

To book the session please click on the link below, go to ‘Book Now’ and select the day and time that works for you. Once you have booked I will be in touch with more details about what you need for the session, and to get some information from you so I can be fully prepared to give you my best guidance.

But wait, there is more! I love goal setting so much that I have an amazing goal achieving package to give away! Consisting of a copy of the book that changed everything for me, Danielle LaPorte’s ‘The Desire Map’ and a Pop Expert One to One Healthy Goal Setting Session with me! 

To enter all you need to do is post just one of your health and wellbeing resolutions in the comments below. The winner will be picked at random and will be notified by email by 1/7/2016.

Wishing you all the healthiest, happiest 2016!