Jennifer Hanway

5 Mindset Shifts For Your Healthiest, Hottest Summer Ever

Think you can’t achieve your health goals in the summer? Think again! I’m on a mission to help you achieve your hottest, healthiest summer ever, but there is one step we need to tackle that is even more important than the practical tips and strategies – your mindset.

I can provide you with the best nutrition advice, the most effective workout routines, and the latest hormone optimising hacks, but none of it will make a lasting impact if your mindset isn’t in the right place. The way you think about yourself and your health journey sets the foundation for all the changes you want to make. So, let’s start by shifting our mindset to set ourselves up for a truly transformative summer.


1.) Shift from Self-Criticism to Self-Love

Healthy change comes from loving yourself and wanting the best for yourself – this might mean taking a long hard look at your current habits to decide if these are the best choices for your current and future self. Self-criticism only leads to stress and negativity, which can sabotage our efforts and truly, you cannot hate yourself into making positive change. Instead, embrace self-love and kindness, acknowledge your efforts, celebrate small victories, and be patient with yourself. Loving yourself means wanting the best for yourself and from this place we create a positive and supportive environment for healthy, long lasting changes.


2.) Raise Your Floor, Not Your Ceiling

The next mindset shift to think about over the summer is to raise your floor, not your ceiling. Often, when we get off track with our health or wellness, we make grand plans to optimise everything. We set high, often unrealistic goals that are almost impossible to achieve and as a result we don’t succeed, feel like a failure and this then reinforces our belief we cannot reach our goals. Instead, focus on making small, consistent changes that gradually improve your baseline habits. For example, instead of aiming to complete an Ironman triathlon in two months, commit to walking 10,000 steps every day. These small, consistent actions add up over time and lead to significant progress. By raising your floor, you build a foundation of healthy habits that are easier to maintain, reducing the pressure of perfection and helping you stay motivated.


3.) Don’t Major in the Minors

In the health space, it’s easy to get caught up in the minutiae—such as which adaptogen to take or which type of collagen to add to your smoothie. While these details have their place, they shouldn’t overshadow the foundational aspects of good health. Focus on the big rocks: eating a balanced diet with plenty of protein and vegetables, staying hydrated, moving your body and getting adequate sleep.

By prioritising these fundamental elements, you lay a strong foundation for your health. Once these basics are in place, you can then fine-tune with the smaller details. This approach ensures that you’re addressing the most impactful factors first, leading to more effective and sustainable results.


4.) Swap All-or-Nothing to Progress Over Perfection

A common mindset trap is the all-or-nothing approach, where you’re either fully on track or completely off the rails. This black-and-white thinking can lead to extreme behaviors, like strict dieting (that just lowers our metabolism even further) followed by overindulgence. Instead, focus on progress over perfection. Celebrate small wins and acknowledge that every healthy choice counts, even if it’s not perfect.

By embracing this mindset, you reduce the pressure to be perfect and allow yourself to enjoy the journey. This summer, aim to make healthier choices most of the time, but don’t beat yourself up for enjoying a treat now and then. Remember, consistent progress is more sustainable and enjoyable than striving for perfection. Even in the Lean & Clean 10 Week Program we allow flexibility for treat meals and we still achieve incredible results.


5.) Don’t Go It Alone

Accountability and support can significantly enhance your success in achieving your health goals. Surround yourself with a community that shares your commitment to health and wellness. Whether it’s joining a fitness class, participating in a local running group, or engaging with online health communities, finding support can make the journey more enjoyable and less daunting.

Lean & Clean offers a supportive community of like-minded women who are all striving to optimize their fat-burning hormones and reset their metabolism. Together, you can share tips, celebrate successes, and motivate each other. Remember, you don’t have to go through this journey alone. Embrace the power of community and watch how it propels you toward your healthiest, hottest summer ever.

I hope these mindset shifts inspire you to embrace a healthier, more vibrant summer!