Jennifer Hanway

5 Ways to Stick To Your Diet Whilst You Are Eating Out

I recently returned from a trip home to London and when I travel there it is always a super fun mix of work and play, but along with that comes a lot of meals out! Over the years I’ve developed many strategies that help me to enjoy my meals with family and friends, indulge in a few treats but still continue with my Lean & Clean lifestyle and look and feel my best the next day.

Here are my top 5:


1) Eat your normal Lean & Clean diet during the day 

Keeping your blood sugar and hunger hormones balanced throughout the day means you are more likely to make smart choices when choosing at the restaurant. On days when I am eating dinner out I choose a protein rich breakfast smoothie and salad for lunch which means I am not super hungry or craving carbs when I get to the restaurant.


2) Skip the bread basket 

Honestly, it can feel a little weird if everyone else is munching away and you are twiddling your thumbs (I’ve been there a million times before) so I’ll order some olives or a veggie and protein based appetizer. This can also add more protein, fibre and antioxidants to your meal.

3) Don’t be afraid to order ‘off piste’

On most menus you will be able to find something that fits the Lean & Clean Food Formula, but don’t be afraid to ask for something slightly different if all of the items are on the menu in some form. For example, you could choose two appetizers instead of a main or choose the protein you would most like and swap out the carbs for a veggie side.


4) Use the either or formula

Of course we still want out meals out with our family and friends to feel like a special occasion, so use the ‘either/or’ method to enjoy your favourite options and still feel glowing and healthy the next day. Choose a side of fries or a dessert, a glass of wine or the bread basket.


5) Order treat foods for the table

Sometimes just a few fries or a bite of cheesecake is enough to satisfy that craving and help you enjoy your favorite treat foods, so order fries for the table or dessert with 4 spoons.


Stick to the tips above and by doing this you will also leave enough ‘wiggle room’ for one meal that you order for the sheer fun of it – for me, this was gluten free fish, chips and mushy peas at the British seaside and it was everything I wanted it to be and more ; )


Want to learn more about the Lean & Clean lifestyle and how it can help you live your best healthy life? The next enrolment for my Lean & Clean 10 Week Metabolic Makeover starts soon – click here for more details.