Jennifer Hanway

The Master Antioxidant You Might Not Be Getting Enough Of

I spoke with NewBeauty about supplementing with glutathione…


What is glutathione, and why is it called the “master antioxidant” but no one really talks about it? What are its benefits?

Glutathione is an antioxidant, and is called the master antioxidant for two reasons:

  1. It is the most abundant antioxidant in the human body 
  2. It is arguably the most powerful antioxidant for both preventing disease and achieving optimum health by regulating the effects of oxidative stress throughout the body 


Do you take any supplements (or recommend any) where glutathione is a key ingredient, and if so, why is it good? Are you familiar with LivOn Labs?

Personally I take LivOn Labs Liposomal Glutathione as liposomal supplements are more easily absorbed by the body. Studies have shown that taking liposomal glutathione on a daily basis can elevate tissue levels in the body, positively affecting immune function and lowering levels of oxidative stress. IV glutathione can also be beneficial for someone who needs to upregulate their body’s natural detoxification pathways and this is something we offer as part of our Anti-Aging Wellness Program at Russak Dermatology. 


Who is someone that would benefit from taking a glutathione supplement? Is there anyone who shouldn’t take it, and why?

As always, you should contact your doctor or healthcare provider before starting any new supplement as there are some medications and health conditions that interact negatively with glutathione. But most people can benefit from taking glutathione as a diet low in nutrients, medication, stress, and lack of sleep can all negatively impact the body’s natural ability to make glutathione. Taking glutathione supplements can benefit your body’s natural detoxification pathways, can boost immune function, help with energy production and prevent premature aging at the cellular level. 


How long after you start taking a glutathione supplement should you expect to see/feel results?

It’s important to remember that no one food or supplement is a miracle ‘cure’, and all supplements should be in addition to a healthy diet, regular exercise and managing your stress. But if you have these dialed in and want to supercharge your supplement routine glutathione can be a great choice. For most people they may start seeing improvements in their energy levels and skin quality in around 4 weeks time.



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