Jennifer Hanway

Beauty Foods Breakfast Smoothie: Collagen C

Processed with VSCO with c3 preset

I’m jumping into a new week with this light and bright beautifying Collagen C Breakfast Smoothie from my upcoming recipe book!

It’s packed full of beauty-boosting collagen peptides thanks to New Chapter’s Collagen Glow which helps to nourish, firm and hydrate your skin, aiding protein synthesis and protecting connective tissues. And this recipe is rich in Vitamin C to provide even more beauty nutrition!

Vitamin C is a key co-factor in collagen synthesis, and this smoothie packs a punch from both the whole kiwi (blend with the skin on for maximum nutrient density) and the sea buckthorn in the New Chapter Collagen Glow (which is naturally rich in Vitamin C and is known to support anti-aging activity at the cellular level).

Collagen C Breakfast Smoothie 

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. 

You can find all of the New Chapter products mentioned here in your local health food store, Whole Foods, on Amazon, or at