Jennifer Hanway

Breakfast Smoothie: Pecan Pie


Happy National Pecan Pie Day!

Whilst I can’t deny that Pecan Pie is delicious, its crazily high sugar content make it a little too decadent for an everyday treat. I’ve created this sweet, thick and creamy Pecan Pie Superfood Smoothie so you can enjoy the taste whilst keeping blood sugar stable and providing a ton of micronutrients.

Pecans are a great source of inflammation lowering, skin loving Omega 3 fatty acids, and are packed full of much needed minerals including magnesium, manganese, zinc and copper.

Buy your pecans unsalted, and if they are roasted they should be dry roasted to avoid inflammatory fats. And just like all nuts and seeds once opened they should be stored in the freezer to prevent oxidation.

Pecan Pie Super Food Smoothie

Place all ingredients and blend until smooth.

Perfect for my Gut Healing and Lean and Clean Programs.

Looking for more Breakfast Smoothie recipes? Order my new Breakfast Smoothie Recipe book here!