Every Friday I am going to be helping you to ‘Stop, Drop and Meditate’ with the help of Meditation Expert (and wonderful friend) Charity Collier.
This week’s guided meditation is perfect for when you have just finished your workout. Training can cause a raise in cortisol (the stress hormone) which is great for giving you that push when you are sprinting on the treadmill, hitting that punchbag, or PR’ing your Deadlift, but for both our health and our body composition we want to bring cortisol levels down as quickly as possible once we have finished our session.
So what are you waiting for, lets ‘Stop, Drop and Meditate’ with Charity!
For more information on Charity and Meditating Together check out her daily meditation affirmations, inspirations and education posts on:
Facebook: Meditating Together
Instagram: @meditatingtogether
Twitter: https://twitter.com/meditating2ther
Email: meditatingtogether@gmail.com
YouTube: Meditating Together
Periscope: @meditating2ther (Every Wednesday I do a live meditation on Periscope at 9pm EST)