In this article about a 2 Day Detox Cleanse, we will discuss
Whenever I have been traveling, indulged over the holidays or just generally feel I need a short ‘reset’ I turn to my Smart 2-Day Detox—a two-day, science-based rebalance for your body, which is safer, more enjoyable and quite simply more effective than any crazy juice cleanse, water fast or slimming tea could ever be.
Our bodies have two phases of detoxification: the Phase 1 pathway in which toxins get released from our cells and mobilised into our bloodstreams, and the Phase 2 pathway through which these toxins are eliminated through four bodily systems: breath, sweat, pee and poop.
For both of these pathways to act efficiently we need an abundance of amino acids (the building blocks of protein), combined with polyphenols and antioxidants (think of these as vitamins and minerals with superpowers) and fibre to move toxins out of the body.
Most juice, tea or shake cleanses are woefully lacking in these essential detoxification nutrients and usually up-regulate just the Phase 1 pathway, releasing the toxins from the cells but leaving them to circulate in your bloodstream, making you more toxic than when you started. This is why such detox plans often leave you feeling nauseous and fatigued, and suffering from headaches and breakouts—the opposite of how you are aiming to feel!
Healing the gut is also a much neglected aspect of detox plans, but our digestive system is the first line of defense against external toxins. If you are suffering from intestinal permeability (aka leaky gut) and/or an imbalanced microbiome (i.e. all of us post holidays) then more toxins will be able to enter your bloodstream instead of being filtered out. This is why healing collagen and bone broth plus microbiome-balancing probiotic-rich foods feature heavily in my detox program.
My Smart 2-Day Detox is designed to up regulate both Phase 1 and Phase 2 pathways, thus leaving you feeling lighter, brighter, more energised and with glowing skin and a flatter stomach. Working out, dry skin brushing, infrared sauna and even getting more sleep can also boost results. Ensure you are drinking at least 2-3 litres of water throughout the day, and feel free to add lemon, lime, or even herbs such as mint and basil to your water.
This plan is designed to boost your metabolism and switch your body into fat-burning mode in just 7 days – and did I mention the recipes are delicious and easy to make too?
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For this detox plan, you’ll want to ensure 12 hours overnight between the last meal of the previous day and the first meal of the next day. Have 8 oz of warm water with a squeeze of lime and a pinch of Himalayan salt when you wake up.
For this cleanse, I recommend my Go To Green Smoothie, but any of my breakfast smoothie recipes will do, such as this Almond Joy Breakfast Smoothie or my Sugar Free Mocha Maple Breakfast Smoothie
Blend together the following ingredients until smooth.
Continue the day’s detox by drinking an almond milk matcha latte or dandelion, fennel or peppermint tea.
Have a light lunch on your 2-day detox with this salad recipe. Combine 2-3 cups of leafy greens with chopped radish, carrot, cucumber, zucchini or any other raw salad vegetables (avoid broccoli and cauliflower as these are difficult to digest). Add 2 tablespoons of fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut. And top your salad with 4-8oz of chicken, fish or tempeh, depending on your hunger levels. Dress with my Green Goddess Dressing (recipe below).
Green Goddess Dressing Recipe
Blend together until smooth and creamy.
Rather than waiting for dinner, I recommend a mini-meal in the mid-afternoon as part of this 2-day detox diet. Have 1 cup of unsweetened coconut yoghurt with 1 tablespoon of chia seed and ¼ cup berries.
My Alkalizing Creamy Green Soup is a perfect recipe for this gut-healing cleanse. The recipe below makes 2 servings.
In a large pan saute the shallots, garlic and fennel in coconut oil for 2 minutes. Add the bone broth, broccoli, lemon juice, lemon zest, salt and pepper and leave to cook for 4 minutes.
Take off the heat and then add the avocado and spinach, letting the heat wilt the spinach for a couple of minutes. Blend all ingredients together until smooth and top with the pumpkin seeds and extra virgin olive oil.
Finish the day with a Dandelion, Fennel, Peppermint or Valerian Root tea.
This plan is designed to boost your metabolism and switch your body into fat-burning mode in just 7 days – and did I mention the recipes are delicious and easy to make too?
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